News & Articles By Divina Ramirez
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper food: 12 Ways to use freeze-dried pineapples
Pineapples are one of the most popular tropical fruits in the United States. Unfortunately, fresh pineapples can be difficult to come by because they don’t thrive in colder temperatures. Luckily, most health food stores now carry freeze-dried pineapples. Freeze-drying is a fairly modern method of food preservation that removes moisture without affecting the nutrient content of the […]
By Divina Ramirez
Emergency essentials: Top 10 non-food items to include in your emergency stockpile
There’s more to emergency preparedness than having an emergency food stockpile. Many everyday items, such as toilet paper, blankets and candles, will be just as important as food and water when SHTF. Here are 10 non-food items to include in your emergency stockpile: (h/t to 1. Toilet paper Toilet paper is a versatile item. Aside […]
By Divina Ramirez
6 Ways to tell the time without a clock
You don’t have to have been a Boy Scout to know that when the sun is at the center of the sky, it’s around noon, or that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. That said, this basic way of tracking time isn’t very precise, limiting its use when you can’t see the sun. […]
By Divina Ramirez
Survival essentials: 6 Things to include in a survival fire starter kit
Fire is a versatile survival asset, so it’s important that you have a fire starter kit in your bugout bag (BOB). A proper fire starter kit should contain multiple items you can use to start a fire so you can stay warm and cook outdoors. Read on for tips on building a fire survival kit. (h/t to […]
By Divina Ramirez
Weed-free gardening: 4 tips for effective weed control
Weeds are a gardener’s worst nightmare. For starters, they compete with plants for nutrients and water. Weeds can also overrun a garden if left unchecked. As such, weeds can cause plants to wither or stunt their growth. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of weeds and prevent them from coming back without having to […]
By Divina Ramirez
13 Brilliant uses for used coffee grounds
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. But coffee is good for more than just a morning pick-me-up. Used coffee grounds have many practical uses in your home and in the garden. You can even incorporate used coffee grounds into your daily skincare routine. Here are 13 clever uses for used coffee grounds: (h/t to […]
By Divina Ramirez
6 Most important skills every homesteader should learn
Living on a homestead seems like sunshine and rainbows from afar. But there’s actually more to homesteading once you get up close and personal. You’ll need to know more than just how to keep the house clean, the animals fed and the vegetables watered. But don’t fret. Each homesteading skill you learn will take you one step […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper hacks: 22 Clever uses for trash bags
Trash bags can be used in many ways to ensure your survival when SHTF. This is why they should be in every bugout bag (BOB) and emergency kit. Plus, trash bags are extremely lightweight and dirt cheap. Here are 22 ways to use trash bags in a survival situation: (h/t to Make a rain […]
By Divina Ramirez
6 Types of rope and why you need them for survival
Ropes are one of the essential tools you need in your survival kit or bugout bag (BOB). But no one rope is ideal for everything. In a survival situation, it pays to have different ropes so you can use what best suits your needs. Below are the six most popular types of rope among preppers and survivalists: (h/t […]
By Divina Ramirez
5 Reasons to stockpile food now
Inflation in the United States has jumped to the highest rate since 2008 as the country rebounds strongly from the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, many economists believe the current rise in inflation is not transitory because of evidence of structural changes in supply at a time when demand for all products is robust. Put simply, inflation is here […]
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