News & Articles By Divina Ramirez
By Divina Ramirez
Survival medicine: Are you familiar with the medicinal uses of pomegranates?
The pomegranate, one of the oldest known edible fruits, is a small, bright red fruit native to parts of the Middle East and the Himalayas in Northern India. Cut one open and you’ll find several ruby red seeds that can be eaten raw, juiced or added to recipes. Also known as arils, pomegranate seeds are packed […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepping with pets: 27 Plants that are poisonous to dogs
Dogs are notorious for getting their snouts and mouths into things they shouldn’t. Aside from their food, they’ll happily snuffle or scarf up anything they come across, from trash on the sidewalk to flowers in your garden. While some of the things your dog may come across are simply gross, others can be dangerous. The American Society for […]
By Divina Ramirez
Scavenging tips: What to look for after TEOTWAWKI
Most articles on prepping and survival focus on how to prepare for a disaster or SHTF scenario. But what to do after a disaster (e.g., scavenging for supplies) is just as important to discuss as how to make ample preparations. In a true SHTF or TEOTWAWKI event, your supplies are bound to run out. You’ll need […]
By Divina Ramirez
6 Common bug-in mistakes and how to avoid them
Most preppers are more than ready to bug out if SHTF. However, true emergency preparedness requires you to be prepared for all scenarios, including those that may require you to bug in. In fact, bugging out should be your last option in most situations. After all, you’ll have the bulk of your supplies and gear in […]
By Divina Ramirez
7 Trees every prepper should know and why
Trees are a prepper’s best friend in a survival situation. If you find yourself with very limited resources, you can make the most of trees by using their bark for food or tinder, their branches for fire and their sap for wound dressings. Listed below are seven trees that are particularly useful in survival scenarios and […]
By Divina Ramirez
Food supply tips: 9 Best survival foods to buy from the grocery store
Natural disasters and emergencies often come with little or no warning at all. Stocking up on shelf-stable foods and ingredients before SHTF will help you weather the situation successfully. Here are some of the best survival foods to stock up on before SHTF: (h/t to 1. Legumes Beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes are classic survival […]
By Divina Ramirez
15 Everyday items you can use for survival
You don’t need a long shopping list of state-of-the-art tactical and camping gear to be prepared for disasters or survival scenarios. In fact, various survival essentials can be found readily in nearly every home in the country, including yours. Here are some of them: (h/t to Canned foods – Canned foods are staples in survival stockpiles because they are […]
By Divina Ramirez
SHTF sanitation and hygiene: 7 Things to disinfect regularly
Just because something looks clean and spotless doesn’t mean it’s germ-free. Germs, such as viruses and bacteria, are invisible to the naked eye making it hard to judge if something is free of them. To avoid becoming infected by germs from surfaces and objects, it’s important to wash your hands frequently. But you can’t just wash your […]
By Divina Ramirez
Top 8 houses to consider for your off-grid hideout
Off-grid living is usually associated with preppers and homesteaders who want to become more self-sufficient and independent. However, it’s also become increasingly popular over the past few years among non-preppers who simply want to reduce their carbon footprint and live a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. If you’re seriously considering moving off the grid, think about what you […]
By Divina Ramirez
Food supply 101: 6 Prepper recipes to try before SHTF
An important part of prepping for SHTF events is learning how to make nutritious foods that can help keep your energy levels up in a survival scenario. Ideally, those foods should also have a long shelf life. If you’re looking to make such foods, check out the following recipes: (h/t to Virginia ham Virginia ham, also known […]
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