News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
The difference between preppers and homesteaders
Homesteaders and preppers might sound like completely different groups of people, but they tend to share many of their beliefs and practices. An article on Survival Sullivan covers their differences, similarities, and what they can learn from each other. Both groups have rather diverse memberships. Some preppers fit the general public’s image of the doomsday […]
By Edsel Cook
Digital products the smart prepper can download that teach the best preparation strategies for grid-down scenarios
What are the most important reading materials for surviving SHTF scenarios where the power grid goes down, society collapses, and everyone has to fend for themselves? Dan Sullivan of The Survivalist Blog presents a list of 14 critical reading materials that any prepper and survivalist needs to download, print out, read, and memorize before the […]
By Edsel Cook
Learn these basic medical conditions that need to identified first BEFORE administering first aid
There is no avoiding injury; it happens to the best of us at the worst of times.We must be prepared to identify the most common kinds of injuries so that we know how to safely treat them. An article on Prepper’s Survival Homestead covered the five basic medical conditions that you are bound to experience, […]
By Edsel Cook
How to cook indoors without electricity
Just because the power is out doesn’t mean you have to put up with cold foods. Neither do you have to go outside to prepare these meals. There are several safe and effective methods of indoor cooking in the absence of electricity. (h/t to Indoor cooking methods have advantages over their outdoor counterparts, such as […]
By Edsel Cook
How to survive in the woods when you’re without supplies or gear
What can you do if you are driven into the wilderness without supplies and only the barest gear with you? An article in Survivopedia states that this emergency can be overcome if you keep your wits about you and remember a few tips. If you believe you have gotten lost, stop right where you are. No […]
By Edsel Cook
The 5 types of alternative energy that help you survive when SHTF
When a disaster, invasion, or terrorist attack takes out the power grid, it will take years or even decades to restore power. An article on Ready Nutrition recommended five alternative sources of electrical energy that can improve your chances of surviving post-collapse conditions. Each power source has its strengths and weaknesses. You should consider which […]
By Edsel Cook
How to stockpile seeds for your survival cache
Seeds are always a welcome addition to a prepper’s stockpile. An article on Skilled Survival covers the basics of harvesting and preserving seeds. In order to save seeds, you have to harvest them first. Collect the seeds you want to preserve. Many fruits and vegetables will have different kinds of textures; store their seeds in […]
By Edsel Cook
How to travel to a safe location during a “Without Rule of Law” scenario
When SHTF and civilization collapses, you will need to bug out of the now-dangerous city. That means traveling during a time of chaos when anything can happen and everyone else is out for himself. An article on Survival Blog presented a few tips on how to safely make it to your safe house during a […]
By Edsel Cook
Are two-way radios helpful during a SHTF-type situation?
When SHTF, most means of communications will go down. You will need an alternate way to stay in touch with your loved ones over long distances. An article in The Apartment Prepper considers the pros and cons of long-range two-way radios as an alternative means of directly contacting other people. Two-way radios are more popularly […]
By Edsel Cook
How to properly set your goals for one year of total preparedness
The best way to prepare yourself for anything – be it a normal excursion or bugging out when SHTF – is to plan far ahead. Goals are a clear indicator of what you need to accomplish. An article on the Prepper Website showed the best way to set your goals for achieving a full year […]
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