News & Articles By Janine Acero
By Janine Acero
Worst-case scenario: How to help your family survive when SHTF
Many people are getting anxious about how to deal with the many crises gripping the U.S. nowadays. From pandemics to riots, American households are beginning to take emergency preparedness seriously and getting their families involved. Here are some tips on preparing a family escape plan in case SHTF. (h/t to What you need to do A […]
By Janine Acero
Bug out basics: How far can you walk while carrying a bug-out bag (BOB)?
There are disasters such as hurricanes, floods and wildfires that will compel people to evacuate their homes and bug out to a safer location. But securing a well-stocked bunker deep in the woods or a homestead on acerage is only half the battle. You must also practice traveling with your bug-out bag (BOB) to see […]
By Janine Acero
Survival tips and tricks: 5 NATURAL antibiotics in your kitchen
The odds of suffering from infection or illness goes up in a survival scenario such as a long-term grid-down disaster. During that period, getting much-needed medical care will be difficult. Knowledge of natural antibiotics is therefore crucial for ensuring survival. Here are a selection of natural antibiotics you can usually find in the kitchen. (h/t to 1. Garlic […]
By Janine Acero
Survival essentials: 7 Items you need in your trauma first aid kit
With the recent rise in violent criminal activity, it is more important than ever before to keep a first aid kit on hand at all times. If you’re planning on building your own kit, take note of the seven items that make up the foundation of an adequate first aid kit. (h/t to First aid […]
By Janine Acero
Crime prevention tips: 5 Ways to stop burglars from breaking in when you’re not home
Going on vacation is an exciting and rejuvenating activity. But before you book that flight, make sure your house isn’t an easy target for burglars while you’re gone. Here are some tips on maintaining and even improving your home security, so you can enjoy your time off without worry. 1. Have someone check your house Burglars typically […]
By Janine Acero
5 Survival skills that will help you stay alive in the wild
A relaxing trip to the woods can quickly turn dangerous when SHTF, but if you are armed with the right skills and tools, it can be a learning experience. Here are five basic survival skills you should learn to stay alive. (h/t to Treating open wounds It can’t be overstated how important it is to […]
By Janine Acero
Healthy prepping: 7 Superfoods you should add to your garden and stockpile
It’s important to prepare for emergencies, as these can happen without a moment’s notice. For most people, that means stockpiling enough food to keep themselves fed in the event an emergency happens. But as you fill up your storage spaces with quick fixes like rice, spaghetti and survival rations, why not balance it out by adding nutritious […]
By Janine Acero
Homesteader tips: 5 Ways to extend your gardening season
If you want to grow crops throughout the year – without worrying about the frost killing them, there are numerous ways to broaden your growing season by weeks, months or even indefinitely, regardless of how chilly it gets. (h/t to 1. Choose the right plants Pick plants that will yield produce in the amount […]
By Janine Acero
5 Ways to stay cool when SHTF during a heatwave
Air conditioning is a common part of most households, but like most modern appliances and devices, it relies on electricity to function. With the U.S. power grid on the brink of a breakdown, one intense heatwave could fry the grid and millions of households would lose electricity. If this happens, would you know how to […]
By Janine Acero
Knot knowledge: How to tie 10 secure knots
Knowing how to tie knots is a fundamental survival skill. Here are 10 knots that every prepper and survivalist should know how to tie. (h/t to Basic knots and how to tie them Using some rope, tie each knot below 20 times or more until you’re sure that you know them by memory and can […]
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