News & Articles By Mary Miller
By Mary Miller
A guide to masking cooking smells in the wild
There’s nothing like a good camping trip out in the wild outdoors, enjoying the peaceful sights of nature and letting your juicy barbecue simmer on the grill. However, that delicious and meaty aroma won’t be just appealing to you. It will also likely attract every hungry animal within range of your food’s scent. There is no […]
By Mary Miller
Every survival cache should contain these essential medical supplies
Medical emergencies can happen at any moment. You might think that the basic first aid kit that you can pick up from your local pharmacy will be enough to treat any emergency situation, but you can take it a step even further. Here are the essential medical supplies that you should pack for your survival […]
By Mary Miller
What’s in the “perfect” first aid kit? Check out the bag of a former Army Medic
Many preppers think that the basic first aid kit they can buy at a local pharmacy will be enough to treat any and all potential injuries that might occur in a survival situation. However, when SHTF, you might find a standard first aid kit to be lacking in crucial medical items. The presence of these […]
By Mary Miller
Things you can do today that help make bugging out easier tomorrow
Bugging out is no easy task. When SHTF, you must be able to evacuate at a moment’s notice with all your essential survival gear and stay somewhere safe until the chaos dies down and society returns to normal. It sounds simple enough in theory, but think about it. Do you already have an escape plan? Do […]
By Mary Miller
Why physical fitness is crucial for survival (and why all preppers need to take good care of their bodies)
Many preppers often underestimate the importance of physical fitness when SHTF. You can learn all there is to know about self-defense techniques or bugging out, but if you can’t defend yourself in an actual fight or even carry your bug out bag for several miles, then all your accumulated knowledge will have been for nothing. In […]
By Mary Miller
Reasons why preppers give up (and how to stop yourself from doing the same)
Prepping takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. That’s not even taking into consideration the financial aspects of prepping or any of the other ways prepping can impact your daily life. Naturally, this can take a toll on even the most seasoned of preppers. The constant urgency of looming threats can be a little […]
By Mary Miller
Prepping advice: Invest in a 500-gallon water tank
Having a reliable source of clean, drinking water should be one of your priorities when it comes to survival. When SHTF, your plumbing and water services might fail due to damaged infrastructure. Not only will you still need water for drinking, you will also need it for bathing, washing, cooking, cleaning, and maintaining basic hygiene. […]
By Mary Miller
How to build a DIY emergency toilet
During a survival situation, you might not have easy access to a functioning toilet. Perhaps a large-scale natural disaster just occurred and your plumbing has stopped working. Or maybe you might simply be bugging out far away from civilization. Either way, you will need to find a way to dispose of your waste properly when […]
By Mary Miller
The essentials: What should you really put in your bug-out bag?
Sometimes, your chances of survival when SHTF will greatly depend on what prepping gear you have packed inside your bug-out bag (BOB). In an emergency situation, you can’t afford to waste precious time looking for something you don’t even have. Your BOB is only as good as your survival plan. Here are the absolute essentials […]
By Mary Miller
How to prep without breaking the bank
Being committed to prepping means investing for the future. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should go broke trying to anticipate every possible survival situation you might find yourself in. If you want your investment to pay off in the long run, make sure that your finances are still secure even before SHTF. Here are some […]
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