News & Articles By Mary Miller
By Mary Miller
How to downsize your preps to just the essentials
When people think about prepping, the image that often comes to mind is a well-stocked supply room, packed to the brim with food, medicines, and other emergency supplies. The idea is that if you have all that equipment, then you can be ready for anything. In this context, minimalism might sound like the antithesis to […]
By Mary Miller
Quick ways to save money on prepping
Prepping often isn’t easy. Neither is it easy on the wallet, but if you’re smart enough to prepare, your initial investment will be well worth it when SHTF. Still, there are effective ways to cut down on prepping costs. Here are a few quick ways to save money when prepping on a budget. (h/t to […]
By Mary Miller
Need to charge your phone while off the grid? Here are some of the best ways to do so
In our modern world, it is easy to take our cell phones for granted. We use them for communication and to access information. That’s not even counting all the extra features that higher-end models have or all the applications you can download. However, cell phones need electricity to function. If SHTF and the power grid […]
By Mary Miller
Physical fitness is an essential part of survival
Physical fitness is an underrated aspect of prepping. You can stockpile all the food and medicine you want, but a sedentary lifestyle won’t adequately prepare you for reality when SHTF. If you haven’t been living a physically active lifestyle, then there’s no better time to start than the present. Physical fitness will greatly benefit you in […]
By Mary Miller
What are the absolute must-learn skills every prepper should know?
You’re going to need a lot more than a well-stocked pantry and a survival cache of medical supplies if you want to make it out of a disaster scenario alive. Your supplies and equipment can only get you so far if you don’t know what to do with them. However, being a smart prepper can […]
By Mary Miller
Your easy guide to solar drying meat and produce
Stockpiling fresh produce and meat is a good way to ward off malnutrition and starvation in case SHTF, but if you don’t preserve your food correctly, it might just end up going rancid. Preserve your food supply and ensure a reliable source of protein and nutrients by learning how to dry meats, fruits, and vegetables […]
By Mary Miller
Hidden water sources you can find inside and outside your home
You won’t last for more than three days without clean drinking water. Having a reliable source of potable water when SHTF can easily mean the difference between life and death. When faced with such dire challenges, preppers should be smart enough to find or procure their own water supply to survive. Here are some of […]
By Mary Miller
Where to safely scavenge for supplies in the city
If ever SHTF, are you sure that you will have all of your supplies prepared in time? What if you miss out on some crucial items? What if you run out of food or medicine? Scavenging for survival might not be something everyone will be comfortable with, but in matters of life and death, it […]
By Mary Miller
Why having a positive attitude is the most important asset during a survival situation
It doesn’t matter how much food have stocked in your survival cache or how many prepping techniques you’ve learned and practiced over the years. If you lack the mental fortitude to survive during a dire crisis, then nothing you do will truly prepare you if SHTF. Here are some important reasons why having a positive […]
By Mary Miller
How to protect your home from vandals and thieves
Crime can happen anywhere, even in your own home. Vandals and thieves could wreck your property and make off with your possessions without warning. If you haven’t installed a home security system, that doesn’t mean you should just allow yourself to remain an easy target. Protect your home and your family from intruders by following […]
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