News & Articles By Mary Miller
By Mary Miller
Survival food: More wild edible roots you can hunt and gather
When SHTF, you may be forced to forage for edible plants to ward off starvation. You never know when your life may depend on your ability to identify which plants can serve as temporary sources of nutrition. Wild, edible roots are packed with nutrients, making them excellent survival foods. Improve your chances of survival by learning […]
By Mary Miller
Debunking common survival myths
Whether you’re bugging out, living off the grid, or facing an emergency, every decision you make counts. There’s a reason why preppers only follow tried and true survival strategies. It is generally better to learn directly from those who are more experienced than you, rather than experiment on your own using untested survival methods when […]
By Mary Miller
Consider these factors before deciding to bug in or out
If a large-scale disaster were to occur, deciding whether you should bug in or out can mean the difference between life and death. Depending on your location and personal situation, there are plenty of factors to consider when making your survival plan. Here are a few prepping tips to help you decide whether staying or […]
By Mary Miller
Off-grid hygiene: Washing your hands without running water
In a survival situation, one of the most important hygiene rules to follow is to regularly wash your hands in order to prevent the spread of harmful pathogens and bacteria. Ideally, you should wash your hands around four to eight times a day. This includes washing before meals, after using the bathroom, and after handling […]
By Mary Miller
Prepping tips and tricks: How to survive cold-weather camping
Many preppers enjoy camping in the wild outdoors to get in touch with nature. However, camping in cold or extreme weather conditions is nothing like a regular excursion during normal weather. It is important to be prepared for cold weather when camping because being armed with the right equipment and knowledge can mean the difference between […]
By Mary Miller
Prepping on-the-go: How to make sure you have drinkable water when you’re bugging out
Having access to a reliable source of clean drinking water is vital when bugging out. In a survival situation, you probably won’t last more than three days without this life-sustaining liquid. Stocking up on bottles of water can only get you so far, especially if you plan on traveling to other bug-out locations. You might […]
By Mary Miller
Upcycling for preppers: The 12 survival uses of tin cans
People tend to discard tin cans along with the rest of their garbage, but tin cans are among the most valuable items you can scavenge and re-purpose, since they have countless potential uses. Make the most out of your tin cans by turning them into these 12 DIY survival items when SHTF. (h/t to A scoop […]
By Mary Miller
A simple guide to growing rhubarb (that even beginner gardeners can follow)
Growing your own edible garden is a great way to supplement your food supply. If you are a beginner gardener, you can start simple with easy-to-grow vegetables, such as rhubarb. Here’s what you need to know to grow rhubarb in your very own backyard. (h/t to Preparation for planting rhubarb Rhubarb needs the right season and […]
By Mary Miller
Superfoods for preppers: Here are 8 reasons to keep rolled oats in your survival stockpile
Your survival stockpile shouldn’t be filled with just any random food items you buy on a whim at your grocery store. There are certain factors that must first be taken into consideration. You must then plan your survival food supply according to these factors. They must have a long shelf life and store well, even […]
By Mary Miller
Face masks vs. respirators: A guide for when to use each
Face masks and respirators are terms that people tend to use interchangeably, but these two items are designed for different purposes. Both are mostly used for preventing the spread of disease-causing bacteria, but each one serves their function differently. Protect yourself from foreign contaminants by learning how and when to properly use face masks and […]
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