News & Articles By Mary Miller
By Mary Miller
Prepping on the go: 20 Items you need in your car BOB (bug out bag)
You probably have a well-stocked bug-out bag (BOB) stowed away at home in case SHTF, but what about your car? Emergencies can also happen while you’re on the road, which is why you should have a BOB for your vehicle as well. Here are the top 20 items you need to pack in your car BOB. […]
By Mary Miller
Natural remedies to keep on hand that can help prevent the common cold and the flu
There are plenty of ways to protect yourself from getting the flu or the common cold, such as washing your hands, getting enough sleep, and practicing good health habits. However, you can still give yourself an added layer of protection against these illnesses by regularly taking oregano oil and other effective natural remedies. Oregano oil Oregano oil […]
By Mary Miller
Ethics and practicality: Post-SHTF scavenging tips
When SHTF, you do what you must to survive, especially when it is a matter of life and death. Sometimes, that might include doing things that are ethically or morally questionable. After all, isn’t scavenging practically the same as looting? Well, not exactly. Some people might consider both to be stealing, but survival scavenging is […]
By Mary Miller
Essential disaster preparedness tips that can help you survive when SHTF
Disasters can happen at any moment. You might not be able to avoid them, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare for them. Having a proper survival plan in place can definitely help you get through even the most difficult situations. Improve your chances of survival by following these essential disaster preparedness tips when […]
By Mary Miller
Prepper mindset: The daily habits true preppers follow
Prepping requires commitment and discipline. Since emergencies can happen at any moment, it is important that you do not let your guard down. Constant vigilance can be your greatest ally when it comes to being prepared for the worst. It can let you have the upper hand, even in the most difficult situations. If you […]
By Mary Miller
Not all survival foods are equally good: Here are foods you should consider for when it all hits the fan
In case SHTF, you will need a well-stocked pantry if you plan to wait out whatever disaster will be occurring in the world outside. However, for your long-term survival, you will need to think of your food supply not just as a means of avoiding starvation, but also as a way to get the right […]
By Mary Miller
The only person you can really count on is yourself: Here’s how to be more self-reliant
Self-reliance means being able to take care of yourself without needing help from anyone else. This might be one of the most important skills you can learn to prepare yourself for when SHTF, but it can also help you to get through any difficult situation in your everyday life. It can give you the chance […]
By Mary Miller
Dealing with isolation when SHTF
There is certainly an appeal to the common idea of the lone-wolf prepper, braving the harshest of challenges with only himself and his trusted survival cache to depend upon. Without a doubt, self-reliance is one of the most important skills that you can possibly learn in case SHTF. However, in reality, the long-term lack of […]
By Mary Miller
Maintaining oral health even during SHTF: Natural toothache remedies
Your teeth are the hardest part of your body, but if you don’t take proper care of them, they can easily succumb to the effects of poor dietary or lifestyle choices. When SHTF, taking care of your oral health can only become infinitely harder. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that you can use to relieve […]
By Mary Miller
Here are 5 of the worst cities in the U.S. for preppers
Prepping can generally be either easier or more difficult depending on your geographical location. It is an unfortunate truth that some areas are simply better suited for prepping, while others make the very idea of prepping infinitely harder. You might not have any control over your immediate surroundings, but you do have control over how you […]
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