News & Articles By Olivia Cook
By Olivia Cook
Preserve the freshness and quality of your survival food with these storage supplies
With the right supplies, you can preserve the freshness of your survival food for extended periods, making it worth the effort and investment you put into building your survival stockpile. Here are some suggestions: Canning/Mason jars Glass canning bottles usually come with airtight and watertight screw lids and are a great way to preserve high-acid foods (fruit, […]
By Olivia Cook
5 Simple tips to save energy, money and the environment
When you consume less power like electricity, you help conserve the planet’s natural resources. You can use less energy to get the same job done with these simple, practical tips. Switch to energy-efficient lighting While compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are both significantly more energy-efficient than incandescent light bulbs, choosing LEDs is the […]
By Olivia Cook
10 Basic tips for wilderness and urban stealth camping
The ultimate goal of stealth camping is to spend the night in a location without anyone taking notice. Stealth camping can be done with a bicycle and pack, a tent and sleeping bag or in a vehicle. Here are 10 basic tips for backpackers who want to venture into setting up camp at wilderness sites […]
By Olivia Cook
Teaching your kids about emergency preparedness is as easy as ABC
Empowering your children does not have to be difficult. You can actually teach kids about emergency preparedness by simply playing an alphabet game. Below, you will find some prepping suggestions listed from A to Z that can help you and your family in emergency situations. Have some fun with your kids and see who can come […]
By Olivia Cook
6 Everyday items that you can use to fertilize your home garden
Commercial fertilizers are not necessary to grow food. You can always use everyday items to fertilize your home garden naturally. Below are six common things that you can turn into an organic fertilizer. An organic fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from organic sources, including organic compost, cattle manures, poultry droppings and domestic sewage. Banana peel Rich in […]
By Olivia Cook
8 Ways you can turn overlooked household items into survival tools
Here are eight ways you can use your overlooked household items as survival tools: Make a Faraday cage You can turn a steel trash bin, bucket or can into a Faraday cage to keep your small electronics from electromagnetic pulses and for privacy and security. They are sold in a variety of sizes so you can select […]
By Olivia Cook
12 Tips to survive an EMP attack
If an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) goes off, a lot of people are going to die – by starvation, lack of conventional medical care or being killed by people trying to get whatever they need because they did not prepare. There are many factors to consider when preparing for the an EMP strike. Detailed below are […]
By Olivia Cook
4 Tips to prevent emergency water from freezing
Storing an emergency water supply for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes is a priority on a prepping to-do list for scenarios where water becomes a scarce resource. Frozen water in an emergency situation is very bad news as the inconvenience of thawing it for use serves as a huge waste of energy. People who do not have […]
By Olivia Cook
Food preservation techniques used by different cultures around the world
Preserving food naturally can help increase your food supply and reduce food waste. If you wish to learn how to prolong the shelf life of foods in your stockpile, you can look at food preservation techniques used by people from different places. Here are some of the ways people from different cultures keep their foods fresh for […]
By Olivia Cook
Organic coconut oil: One of the best survival and preparedness items to stock up on
Organic coconut oil is a must-have item for your stockpile. It is described as “the healthiest oil on Earth” by the Coconut Research Center. There is plenty of scientific evidence showing that organic coconut oil can help boost the following: (Related: Why coconut oil should be part of your survival stockpile.) Immune system and function Ancient literature […]
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