By Rhonda Johansson
Everything you need to know about foraging for food when SHTF
Foraging for food during an emergency situation is quite different from when you’re just leisurely hiking. When it comes to food — especially the ones that you’ll need to eat to survive — you have to make sure that you have the right set of skills to identify which foods are safe to eat and which […]
By Zoey Sky
Learn to identify these poisonous plants that look edible but could kill you
Foraging is a crucial skill for any prepper. After all, knowing which plants are edible and which ones are poisonous can literally save your life when SHTF and your supplies run out. Keep your prepping skills updated by learning about the 10 poisonous plants included in the list below. (h/t to Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna, […]
By Zoey Sky
5 Edibles every urban forager should know
If you’re a prepper who lives in the city, you need to be creative. When SHTF, you won’t have as many choices for resources, unlike if you live near heavily-wooded areas. But just because you live in the city doesn’t mean you can’t forage for edible plants, as long as you know what to look […]
By RJ Jhonson
Thinking ahead: What would really happen after SHTF?
When SHTF, being realistic can be just as important to your survival as preparing the right food, equipment, or shelter. After all, false expectations can divert your attention from the things that matter and the events that will have a significant impact on your life. The following, for instance, are myths many preppers believe but […]
By RJ Jhonson
9 Skills every prepper must master
Being prepared for when SHTF takes more than having the right equipment. You need to prepare yourself, too. Mastering the following skills as soon as possible will help you become the most effective prepper you can be. (h/t to Constructing a survival shelter Never underestimate the value of a roof over your head when you […]
By Michelle Simmons
How to safely forage for food when things turn sour
For long-term survival situations, knowing how to forage is important. Foraging needs a good knowledge of the environment and some practice in the wild, but these six tips can help you when foraging: (h/t to Eat only what you know: When looking for food, it’s best to stick with what you know. There are […]
By Zoey Sky
Is this safe to eat? Warnings to keep in mind when looking for edible plants
Foraging is a useful skill to have because it can help you identify wild edibles. It’s even more valuable when SHTF because it can help you stay alive if you lose your survival gear and food supplies. (h/t to Once things have settled down after a disaster, assess your needs. Your first priority is to locate […]
By Tracey Watson
Why you should learn about herbs in your area: Wild edibles and medicinal plants can offer food security
Food insecurity caused by drought, war, poverty and high rates of population growth has left around 800 million – or one in nine – people chronically hungry and unable to derive the necessary nutrition from their daily food supply. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains that since 80 percent of people in the most affected countries […]
By Michelle Simmons
Wilderness survival: Plants that you can eat (and those you shouldn’t)
If you find yourself stuck in the wild, you have to survive and make use of what you have. One of the essential survival skills that you would need is knowing which plants are edible and which ones could kill you. As a starter, here are 10 common wild plants that you can eat. (h/t […]
By Zoey Sky
These backyard plants exhibit many nutritional properties as well as medicinal benefits
Aside from warmer weather and blooming flowers, spring is also accompanied by the growth of weeds that may take over your backyard. But before you start eliminating these backyard plants, here are 1o edible and medicinal weeds that you may want to keep around. (h/t to Chickweed (Stellaria media) – Chickweed, which has heavy seed sets, […]
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