By HRS Editors
5 Essential urban prepping tips
While many survival skills are often framed within the context of the great outdoors, there are also certain important survival skills that can be applicable within an urban environment. Living in the city may come with many comforts and luxuries, but these can easily disappear during a survival situation. When SHTF, it’s important to have a […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping tips: How to prepare a food storage starter kit
Building your own food storage starter kit is one of the most basic things you need to learn if you want to be prepared for a food emergency or survival situation. Making a food storage starter kit is not as simple as going to your local grocery store and stocking up on whatever food options […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Survival gardening: The best crops to grow for self-sufficiency
Self-sufficiency is something all preppers strive for. When SHTF, being self-sufficient will give you a great advantage because it will enable you to take care of yourself and your family long term. Aside from stocking up on necessary supplies, you also need to train yourself and hone your skills to become self-sufficient. Gardening is an excellent survival skill to […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping basics: How to scavenge and forage for supplies after SHTF
If you are looking for alternatives to finding resources in a post-SHTF world, you might benefit from learning how to forage and scavenge for supplies safely. This ensures that if you run out of certain items, you can find more supplies for your stockpile. (h/t to In ecology, scavengers consume other creatures that have […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping with pets: How to prep for dogs and other pets before SHTF
As a prepper with pets, it’s important to make sure that your cats, dogs or other animal companions also have supplies in your stockpile before SHTF. Like “human” emergency kits, a pet emergency kit will also require similar items like pet food, water and other essentials. (h/t to Pets are multiple times more vulnerable during […]
By Olivia Cook
Food freedom: Gardening options for self-sufficient preppers
If you’re willing to invest some of your precious time and effort, you can always get a harvest and be self-sufficient. Start small and scale up. Focus on crops that your family loves to eat, including herbs that add flavor to your dishes. You can also grow flowers to brighten your home and low-maintenance houseplants. According […]
By Olivia Cook
Sensible prepper rules to follow when building your emergency stockpile
General preparedness is a regular activity for preppers who are used to doing things by themselves to stay healthy, survive and thrive. Here are some sensible or “sane prepper rules” on stockpiling delicious and nutritious food for long-term storage, plus water, medicines, tools, gear and other essentials – without burning a hole in your pocket. Feel free […]
By Olivia Cook
Simple life: Recommended states for off-grid living
Leaving society is a choice and a life-changing decision that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to live alone. You can choose to live in a community of like-minded individuals – where you can escape the rat race and find your true self; live a simpler life in harmony with nature; prioritize your health and well-being; […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping on the go: How to stay safe when traveling in another country
Vacations take weeks or even months of planning, and preppers know that their vacation prep should also include emergency preparedness plans. If you’re traveling to another country for your next vacation, it pays to take the necessary precautions so you can deal with common scenarios like an accident, illness or a natural disaster. Before leaving for […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival essentials: A list of must-have items for your bug-out bag
When preparing for emergency scenarios, one of the most important things you must do is to pack bug-out bags (BOBs) for yourself and your family. If you’re overwhelmed, making a list of supplies and tools for your bag can help you stay organized as you get things ready before disaster strikes. (h/t to It’s […]
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