By Mary Miller
4 Survival shelters you can build from scratch when SHTF
Finding shelter should be your top priority if you ever get lost somewhere far away from civilization. While extreme thirst or hunger can take anywhere from three days to a few weeks to kill you, exposure to the harsh elements can quickly take your life in a matter of hours. The good news is that […]
By Michelle Simmons
4 skills every prepper should have to master the “language of nature”
Knowing the “language of nature” is an essential survival skill. Learn how to survive on your own with the following natural signs: (h/t to HomesteadSurvivalSite.com). Navigating Navigating without any equipment is possible. You just have to know how to make use of what nature offers: The sun: During daytime, point the hour hand of an […]
By Zoey Sky
Crucial first aid skills you need to learn before going off grid
A prepper who lives off grid knows how important first aid skills are, especially if someone gets injured in a remote area and you don’t have access to emergency medical services. (h/t to HomesteadSurvivalSite.com) Listed below are crucial skills that you need to learn so you can address common medical emergencies. Applying a tourniquet Use […]
By Mary Miller
The best gear for building a survival shelter
If ever you find yourself lost in the wilderness, your top priority should be finding shelter. A shelter can protect you from the elements and exposure to extreme heat or cold. It also keeps you safe from pesky bugs and curious animals. While being able to build a temporary shelter with your bare hands is certainly an […]
By Mary Miller
3 Survival strategies that keep you safe in the wilderness
Long-term wilderness survival is no easy feat. Just because you know how to bug out for a week, doesn’t mean that you are prepared to face the challenges of living in the wilderness for weeks or even months at a time. The elements will test you and force to reach your greatest limit. Stay safe […]
By Mary Miller
How to dig a simple smokeless fire pit
It’s always important for all preppers to learn how to build a fire. A basic campfire can serve a number of uses, such as keeping you warm, cooking food, and boiling water. However, such fires tend to produce plenty of smoke. If excessive smoke is a problem, you can get around this setback by digging a […]
By RJ Jhonson
Here are some man-tracking techniques to help you find fellow humans after SHTF
Finding other humans, whether it’s to cooperate with them or some other purpose, may not be as easy as tracking animals. Unlike animals, humans can actually cover their tracks and will put a lot of thought into their hiding place. Learning and using man-tracking techniques will make the task much easier for you. (h/t to PreppersWill.com) […]
By Mary Miller
How to a dig a Dakota fire hole
Any prepper worth their salt should know how to build a proper fire, but when SHTF, you’ll have to start thinking about long-term survival. Knowing how to build a basic campfire might tide you over for a short period of time, but it might not be enough in the long run. Such fires require large […]
By RJ Jhonson
9 Skills every prepper must master
Being prepared for when SHTF takes more than having the right equipment. You need to prepare yourself, too. Mastering the following skills as soon as possible will help you become the most effective prepper you can be. (h/t to ThePrepperJournal.com) Constructing a survival shelter Never underestimate the value of a roof over your head when you […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Prepper survival: A guide to preventing and treating snake bites
According to the CDC, around 7,000 to 8,000 people get bitten by a venomous snake in America each year. Of these, only five will die. Now, that number may seem very small to you but experts all agree that this figure would be much higher if these people did not seek immediate medical care. But […]
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